Youths abducted in Central Darfur

Gunmen captured two young men in Nierteti locality, Central Darfur, on Friday. “A group of militiamen intercepted Karim Osman (21) and Hussein Abdelkarim Osman (18) as they were on their way from Marwa village to Nierteti town to perform the Friday noon prayer,” a listener reported to Radio Dabanga from Marwa, located at a distance of 3 km south of Nierteti. “They seized the two men, and took them to an unknown destination.” File photo: Residents of Sharga village, North Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid) Related: Student abducted, women molested in Kutum, North Darfur (1 December 2014) Ransom paid, abducted farmers released in Central Darfur (30 November 2014)Displaced man abducted for ransom in Central Darfur (27 October 2014)

Gunmen captured two young men in Nierteti locality, Central Darfur, on Friday.

“A group of militiamen intercepted Karim Osman (21) and Hussein Abdelkarim Osman (18) as they were on their way from Marwa village to Nierteti town to perform the Friday noon prayer,” a listener reported to Radio Dabanga from Marwa, located at a distance of 3 km south of Nierteti.

“They seized the two men, and took them to an unknown destination.”

File photo: Residents of Sharga village, North Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)


Student abducted, women molested in Kutum, North Darfur (1 December 2014)

Ransom paid, abducted farmers released in Central Darfur (30 November 2014)

Displaced man abducted for ransom in Central Darfur (27 October 2014)


