West Darfur women’s forum for peace

The West Darfur Women’s Forum, that convened in the state capital El Geneina yesterday to involve women in the peace process, attracted broad participation of women in the state.

Women played a prominent role in the Sudanese revolution (RD)

The West Darfur Women’s Forum, that convened in the state capital El Geneina yesterday to involve women in the peace process, attracted broad participation of women in the state.

The forum also aims to achieve social peace and a democratic transformation. The participants seek to restructure women's organisations, and to set up an office in the area.

The West Darfur women will also select members for a delegation that will participate in the Darfur Women’s Forum scheduled to be held in El Fasher, North Darfur, next month.

West Darfur Governor Mohamed El Doma acknowledged during the opening ceremony that his state government had made a mistake when no women were appointed to leadership positions. He pledged that women would be given more positions in the future, especially in the Legislative Council.

He called on the women to play a major role in fighting tribalism and achieving peace. “At this moment, community dialogue is the foundation we need to be able to normalise public life in our state that suffered so much from war, and to create political stability and security,” he said.

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