West Darfur: 2,800 ex-rebels integrate into Sudan’s regular forces

West Darfur state has welcomed the integration of 2,800 ex-combatants of the Liberation and Justice Movement from South and East Darfur into the regular armed forces.
“With the realisation of the security arrangements, we have removed the Devil’s eyes,” Governor Haidar Jalokuma commented at the graduation ceremony of the Batch 42 recruits at the Domaya military camp on Monday. He stressed the importance of coordination between the five states of Darfur for the establishment of security and stability in the region.

West Darfur state has welcomed the integration of 2,800 ex-combatants of the Liberation and Justice Movement from South and East Darfur into the regular armed forces.

“With the realisation of the security arrangements, we have removed the Devil’s eyes,” Governor Haidar Jalokuma commented at the graduation ceremony of the Batch 42 recruits at the Domaya military camp on Monday. He stressed the importance of coordination between the five states of Darfur for the establishment of security and stability in the region.

The Liberation and Justice Movement, formed in 2010 under command of El Tijani Sese, currently head of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), signed the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) with the Sudanese government in 2011. The DDPD’s security arrangements include a disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration programme. In 2013, a break-away faction of the Justice and Equality Movement, JEM-Sudan, signed the DDPD too.

The DRA Acting Commissioner of the security arrangements, Gen. Mahmoud Koreina (retd), lauded the realisation of the security arrangements for the 2,800 ex-rebels “despite the challenges”.

