Water shortage in West Kordofan

Residents in West Kordofan, as well as their livestock, are suffering from a lack of drinking water, as there are not enough pumping stations operative in Khuwei locality.

Residents in West Kordofan, as well as their livestock, are suffering from a lack of drinking water, as there are not enough pumping stations operative in Khuwei locality.

A villager in Awlad Bakhit reported about the situation to Radio Dabanga. “There are about 15 villages without a single water pump working. Those people and their livestock have to depend on drinking water from reservoirs.”

He expressed hope that the authorities will address the problem and provide water for both people and livestock.

Water problems in eastern Sudan’s Sennar emerged following the non-operation of water pumps. Farmers of the El Remash Project are afraid that the agricultural season may fail as a result of the irrigation problems. In El Gezira, the El Rahad Agricultural Project is suffering from a lack of water as well.

