Water cuts protest in Khartoum

Water cuts in neighbourhoods in Omdurman and Khartoum sparked protests among residents last weekend. Police have intervened to break up the demonstrations.

Water cuts in neighbourhoods in Omdurman and Khartoum sparked protests among residents last weekend. Police have intervened to break up the demonstrations.

People in El Fetehab and El Salha, Omdurman, and El Goz in Khartoum are fed-up with the water cuts that have lasted for three consecutive days. One of the protesters told Radio Dabanga that most of the squares in El Fetehab and El Salha have witnessed a complete interruption of water from Wednesday until Saturday.

“Because of the water shortage, the price of a barrel of water has amounted to SDG90 ($14.65),” he said.

Similarly, people in El Goz neighbourhood in Khartoum went out on the streets to protest the water cuts. They demanded the dismissal of the Commissioner of Khartoum for failing to resolve the water crisis in the area.

A witness told this station that residents have been seen queueing behind a water tanker, to fill their barrels and buckets.

Residents of El Goz also demonstrated against water cuts in July. An anti-riot police force intervened and broke up the protest by force, using tear gas and batons to disperse the demonstrators.

