UN Police Advisor injured in South Darfur in July dies

A Unamid Police Advisor from Sierra Leone who was seriously injured in July after his patrol came under attack in Khor Abeche in South Darfur, has died in hospital on Monday. The incident took place on 13 July approximately 25km west of the Mission’s Khor Abeche team site. It resulted in the killing of seven Unamid military peacekeepers from Tanzania. Another 17 military and Police personnel were injured. The Mission and its leadership has extended their condolences to the bereaved family and friends of late Police Advisor during this moment of grief. The AU-UN Deputy Joint Special Representative for Darfur, Joseph Mutaboba, reflected: “This is a reminder to all of us of the sacrifices that uniformed peacekeepers make while carrying out their noble duty. In doing so, this peacekeeper paid the ultimate price and we commend his courage and commitment for his effort to make the world a better place, a safer place for us and our children in the future.”Photo: Unamid peacekeepers ‘rest on arms reversed’ in salute. The bodies of their seven comrades who fell on July 13 were then loaded to be repatriated to Tanzania (by Albert González Farran/Unamid)

A Unamid Police Advisor from Sierra Leone who was seriously injured in July after his patrol came under attack in Khor Abeche in South Darfur, has died in hospital on Monday. The incident took place on 13 July approximately 25km west of the Mission’s Khor Abeche team site. It resulted in the killing of seven Unamid military peacekeepers from Tanzania. Another 17 military and Police personnel were injured

The Mission and its leadership has extended their condolences to the bereaved family and friends of late Police Advisor during this moment of grief. The AU-UN Deputy Joint Special Representative for Darfur, Joseph Mutaboba, reflected: “This is a reminder to all of us of the sacrifices that uniformed peacekeepers make while carrying out their noble duty. In doing so, this peacekeeper paid the ultimate price and we commend his courage and commitment for his effort to make the world a better place, a safer place for us and our children in the future.”

Photo: Unamid peacekeepers ‘rest on arms reversed’ in salute. The bodies of their seven comrades who fell on July 13 were then loaded to be repatriated to Tanzania (by Albert González Farran/Unamid)

