UK parliamentary committee report questions value of migration talks with Sudan

A British All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has warned that engaging in dialogue with Sudan to reduce migrants is threatening the UK and the EU’s reputation for championing human rights.

A British All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) has warned that engaging in dialogue with Sudan to reduce migrants is threatening the UK and the EU’s reputation for championing human rights.

An article in The Guardian newspaper, says that the politicians warn that “UK and European Union attempts to reduce migration from Sudan risk giving legitimacy to its government, which has been accused of human rights abuses.”

The focus on cutting migration from Sudan “is likely to push the UK towards institutions and individuals with whom we differ on principle”, said a report by British MPs and peers.

Mark Durkan, the APPG’s chairman, said official language, which depicts the efforts as humanitarian engagement to tackle the causes of migration, is “a complete dress-up of something that is far more questionable”.

(Source: The Guardian)

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