Two slain in East Darfur army-militia clash

In a clash between army soldiers and members of the paramilitary Popular Defence Forces (PDF) in East Darfur on Sunday, a PDF commander and a soldier were killed.
Speaking to Dabanga, an eyewitness reported that an army force entered the market of Jad El Seed, 40 km north of Abu Karinka on Sunday evening, and ordered the closure of all shops and stalls.

In a clash between army soldiers and members of the paramilitary Popular Defence Forces (PDF) in East Darfur on Sunday, a PDF commander and a soldier were killed.

Speaking to Dabanga, an eyewitness reported that an army force entered the market of Jad El Seed, 40 km north of Abu Karinka on Sunday evening, and ordered the closure of all shops and stalls.

“The PDF commander of the area, Mohamed Ali, however, refused the order, claiming that the area of Jad El Seed is under his control. A fierce argument erupted. In the ensuing fire fight the commander and an army soldier were killed.”

The source said that the situation became tense, as relatives of the commander and PDF troops are gathering in the area.

