Two girls raped in Darfur

Militiamen raped two girls in separate incidents in West and South Darfur last week. Eight people died and three others sustained injuries in a traffic accident on the highway between Nyala and Kass in South Darfur.

Darfur displaced women in camps

Militiamen raped two girls in separate incidents in West and South Darfur last week. Eight people died and three others sustained injuries in a traffic accident on the highway between Nyala and Kass in South Darfur.

On Wednesday, a herder attacked and raped a 13-year-old girl at Reigel Mour area in Sirba locality while she was looking after her family’s goats.

A relatives of the girl told Radio Dabanga the victim El Geneina hospital with severe bleeding. He also confirmed that they reported the incident to Abu Surouj police station.

On Friday, four gunmen raped a primary school pupil from Kass camp for the displaced in South Darfur.

The head Sheikh of Kass camp, Abdelrahman Bakhour, told Radio Dabanga that four gunmen riding camels attacked and gang-raped the victim while she was collecting firewood in the East part of the camp with three of her brothers. The Sheikh told Radio Dabanga that first they bound and beat her three brothers before they took the girl to the bush and repeatedly raped her.

The Sheikh confirmed that they took the victim to the Kass Educational Hospital for treatment and reported the incident to the Kass police station.

The Sheikh urged the authority to arrest the rapists and bring them to justice and take decisive measures to disarm the militiamen.

Traffic accident

On Thursday, eight people died and three others sustained injuries in a traffic accident on the highway between Nyala and Kass.

The accident occurred when a Toyota Hilux carrying passengers collided with a lorry and overturned. that led to the overturning of the Hilux. The dead and injured ones were transferred to Nyala Teaching Hospital.


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