Two Darfuri students attacked by government supporters in Babanusa

Two Darfuri students were badly injured when ruling National Congress Party affiliated students and security services attacked them in the night on Saturday in Babanusa, South Kordofan. Students told Radio Dabanga that armed members of the National Intelligence and Security Service with pro NCP students entered the boarding houses with pistols and metal wires looking for Revolutionary Front affiliated students. They entered the rooms of Muhammed Ismail Abdul Rahman and Abu Bakr Nahr and beat them violently accusing them of backing the opposition alliance. The students called for human rights organisations to help protect students from state organised attacks on innocent people.

Two Darfuri students were badly injured when ruling National Congress Party affiliated students and security services attacked them in the night on Saturday in Babanusa, South Kordofan.

Students told Radio Dabanga that armed members of the National Intelligence and Security Service with pro NCP students entered the boarding houses with pistols and metal wires looking for Revolutionary Front affiliated students.

They entered the rooms of Muhammed Ismail Abdul Rahman and Abu Bakr Nahr and beat them violently accusing them of backing the opposition alliance.

The students called for human rights organisations to help protect students from state organised attacks on innocent people.



