Troika calls on Sudan Govt, protestors for restraint during demonstrations
The international community has called on the Sudan government and opposition forces for restraint during the ongoing protests that have occurred across Sudan for the past week.

The international community has called on the Sudan government and opposition forces for restraint during the ongoing protests that have occurred across Sudan for the past week. Amnesty International said on Monday that it has "credible reports that 37 protesters have been shot dead by the security forces" thus far.
The Troika (the USA, Norway and the United Kingdom) and Canada have issued a joint statement expressing “concern about the violence occurring during recent protests in Sudan, including credible reports of the use of live fire by the government of Sudan and of multiple deaths during several protests.”
The Troika statement reaffirms “the right of the Sudanese people to peacefully protest to express their legitimate grievances”.
Respond appropriately
“We urge all to avoid the use of violence or destruction of property. We also urge the government of Sudan to respond to demonstrations appropriately, through uniformed police acting in accordance with Sudanese and international human rights law, including the right to freedoms of peaceful assembly, association, and expression – and to avoid the use of live fire on protestors, arbitrary detention, and censorship of the media.”
The Troika statement says that the international community expects the government of Sudan to implement measures to investigate cases in which abuse of force has occurred, and that the Troika welcomes the assurances provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this regard.
Amnesty International says it has credible reports that 37 protesters have been shot dead by the security forces in five days of anti-government demonstrations that have rocked the country. “With further protest planned tomorrow, the fact that the security forces are using lethal force so indiscriminately against unarmed protesters is extremely troubling,” said Sarah Jackson, Amnesty International’s deputy director for East Africa, the Great Lakes and the Horn. “With dozens already dead, the government must rein in this deadly use of force and prevent more unnecessary bloodshed. Instead of trying to stop people from demonstrating, the authorities should be focusing on ending longstanding repression of human rights and resolving the economic crisis that have collectively precipitated these protests.”