Three women beaten, stabbed, raped by gunmen in N. Darfur

An unknown armed group raped three female displaced people from Kassab Camp in Kubum, North Darfur. The attack on Tuesday targeted three women aged fifteen, twenty and twenty-five years old. The women were first severely beaten with sticks, whips, and rifle butts. They were also stabbed with knives in their thighs.

An unknown armed group raped three female displaced people from Kassab Camp in Kubum, North Darfur. The attack on Tuesday targeted three women aged fifteen, twenty and twenty-five years old. The women were first severely beaten with sticks, whips, and rifle butts. They were also stabbed with knives in their thighs. The person who was accompanying them was also subjected to beating. The person said that he was accompanying his relatives to get firewood from Jebel Mari but the armed group stopped them on the way and raped his three relatives in front of his eyes and beat him with sticks and whips and threw him on the ground with a gun pointed to his head.

