Three Darfuris raped in Tawila locality

Two girls and a woman were raped in Tawila locality in North Darfur, in the east of Jebel Marra, in separate incidents on Monday.

Two girls and a woman were raped in Tawila locality in North Darfur, in the east of Jebel Marra, in separate incidents on Monday.

A relative of two victims told Radio Dabanga that gunmen, riding on the backs of camels, attacked the girls, aged 16 and 17, at 11 am while they were collecting straw at Tangarara, 15 kilometres south of Tabit. The men raped them at gunpoint.

The relative said that the family informed the army garrison in Tabit about the incident. “But they told us that they had received orders that all complaints are to be reported to the authorities in Tawila.”

In a separate incident, two armed men attacked a woman in Katur as she was fetching water from a well in the area, and raped her at gunpoint, a listener told Radio Dabanga. Although the family reported the incident to the local garrison, they reportedly did not move to prosecute the offenders.

