Three Darfur firewood collectors raped

A displaced girl from El Salam camp near Nyala in South Darfur has been raped, allegedly by a member of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

A displaced girl from El Salam camp near Nyala in South Darfur has been raped, allegedly by a member of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

Sheikh Mahjoub Tabaldiya told Radio Dabanga that on Monday, and RSF member attacked four displaced girls who were out collecting firewood. The man seized one of the girls and raped her at gunpoint.

Sheikh Tabaldiya said that they reported the incident to the police and Unamid and transferred the bleeding victim to Nyala hospital for treatment.

He said that that the RSF commander for the area pledged before Unamid police to arrest the culprit and hand him over to the authorities, however, he has done so by Tuesday.

Jebel Marra

In the vicinity of Sortony, north of Jebel Marra, militia members raped a girl (13) and a young woman (21) who had fled from Jebel Marra.

The Coordinator of Kabkabiya camps told Radio Dabanga that the incident took place one kilometre south from the camp, while the victims were collecting firewood. “A group of militiamen attacked them, threatened them with weapons, and then repeatedly raped them.”


On Tuesday, the peaceful coexistence committee in Central Darfur managed to release merchant Mohammed Eisa Mohammed and Adam Abdul Karim, the Sheikh of Mando village, who were kidnapped by government militiamen, after paying a ransom of SDG150,000 ($24,450).

One of the relatives of the kidnapped merchant told Radio Dabanga that the committee of peaceful coexistence managed to release the two kidnapped men after tough negotiations with the militia commander Kibro.

He said that the gunmen held the victims for seven days at Amar Jadeed area of Um Khair administrative unit.

