Three separate abductions in Darfur

The assistant director of the international World Vision organisation was abducted in Nyala, capital of South Darfur on Wednesday. On Thursday, an infant was taken by gunmen from his home in Nyala,.and in Tawila locality, North Darfur, a displaced man was kidnapped at his farmland.

Speaking to Dabanga, a relative of the abducted assistant director, Yasir Adam Khater, reported that four gunmen in a Land Cruiser without license plates intercepted Khater’s car at El Tadamon district, north of El Malaga market, at 5 pm on Wednesday. “They seized him at gunpoint, and took him to an unknown destination.”

The assistant director of the international World Vision organisation was abducted in Nyala, capital of South Darfur on Wednesday. On Thursday, an infant was taken by gunmen from his home in Nyala, and in Tawila locality, North Darfur, a displaced man was kidnapped at his farmland.

Speaking to Dabanga, a relative of the abducted assistant director, Yasir Adam Khater, reported that four gunmen in a Land Cruiser without license plates intercepted Khater’s car at El Tadamon district, north of El Malaga market, at 5 pm on Wednesday. “They seized him at gunpoint, and took him to an unknown destination.”

The next day, a group of militiamen abducted a three-year-old boy from his home in El Salam district in the eastern part of the South Darfuri capital.

On Thursday too, “Janjaweed on camels kidnapped Adam Tijani Ali (30), a resident of the Naivasha camp in Shangil Tobaya, Tawila locality, when he was tending his farmland near the camp”. “They went to the direction of Abu Hamra,” one of his relatives told Dabanga.

