Three abducted in North Darfur, Jebel Marra

Armed men abducted three people in separate incidents in North Darfur and East Jebel Marra on Wednesday and Thursday. One of the victims is a lawyer.

Armed men abducted three people in separate incidents in North Darfur and East Jebel Marra on Wednesday and Thursday. One of the victims is a lawyer.

On Wednesday evening, six militants kidnapped lawyer Abdelrahman Abdallah from Kabkabiya in North Darfur and took him to an unknown destination. A witness told Radio Dabanga that the perpetrators drove a Land Cruiser and on motorcycles, when they attacked Abdallah who was on his way to his house in El Amiriya district.

She said that the militants forced him out of his vehicle at gunpoint, put him into theirs and drove off to an unknown destination. The incident was reported to the police and the African Union-United Nations peacekeeping mission (Unamid).

The following morning armed herders abducted two farmers, El Hadi Ibrahim and Yousif Haroun, from Katur in eastern Jebel Marra (Tawila locality in North Darfur). A listener told this station that three herders on camels attacked Ibrahim and Haroun while they were tilling their farm. People who witnessed the incident have informed the military forces stationed at Katur's garrison.

