♦ This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s news highlights from Darfur and Sudan

WFP chief David Beasley and SPLM-N head Abdelaziz El Hilu inspect humanitarian aid in Yabus, Blue Nile state, December 18, 2019 (RD)

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's news highlights from Darfur and Sudan


♦  Rebel-held areas in South Kordofan open for traffic, humanitarian aid

December 22 – 2019 KADUGLI The government of South Kordofan Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North faction under the leadership of Abdelaziz El Hilu have agreed to open a number of roads in Heiban and Kauda.

"Peace has already been achieved on the ground in South Kordofan. What remains is the official signing of the peace agreement in Juba," Acting Governor of South Kordofan Gen Rashad Abdelhameed said in a press conference on Thursday.

The road to Kauda is now not only open again for ordinary traffic, but also for humanitarian aid operations, he stated. He warned however, that the roads need to be cleared of mines.

In end-September, the Sudanese government Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) approved a UN initiative to deliver humanitarian aid to people in rebel-held areas in South Kordofan and Blue Nile state.

In October, World Food Programme Director David Beasley reached Kauda after having received permission to visit the Nuba Mountains for the first time in eight years. Two months later, Beasly visited the rebel-held area of Yabus in the extreme south of Blue Nile state.


♦  US software giant signs deal with Sudan bank

December 18 – 2019 KHARTOUM The US software company Oracle will bring a mobile banking platform to Sudan. Its deal with Nile Bank is seen as a sign that economic relations between the United States and Sudan are thawing.

The agreement between Oracle, Sudan's Central Trading Company, Nile Bank, and other local partners will improve efficiency and compliance for Nile Bank. It will also make lending to small business and rural customers cheaper and more streamlined, which is a potential boon to the Sudanese economy.

The entry of Oracle Corporation into the Sudanese financial services solutions market is considered an important step on the path towards the normalisation of Sudan's economic relations with the rest of the world.

Sudan is still on the US list of States Sponsors of Terrorism. The Sudanese government is doing all it can to remove Sudan from that list, as it cannot get debt relief from international financial institutions while it is still on that list.

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This digest is an excerpt from the weekly Sudan News Update. Subscribe here to receive the newsletter directly in your inbox.

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