♦ This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan


♦ Mass Sudan protests: 28 journalists, doctors and students detained

January 15 – 2019 KHARTOUM The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) detained 28 journalists for several hours ahead of a planned sit-in to protest the pre-publication censorship on Sudanese newspapers El Jareeda and El Baath, on Monday. El Jareeda reporter Lubna Abdallah told Radio Dabanga that a NISS force surrounded their building. “They started detaining journalists as they left the building.” Also the editor-in-chief was arrested.

In addition, the security service beat and detained a number of journalists who were covering the peaceful march in Khartoum Bahri on Sunday, including Mohamed Abdelmajid, Mohamed Salman, Aisha El Samani and Yousef El Jalal. All told Radio Dabanga that there were large numbers of security officers brutally beating them and protesters.

Sunday witnessed large and simultaneous demonstrations in Khartoum North, Wad Madani in El Gezira, Nyala in South Darfur, Port Sudan in Red Sea state, Amri in the Northern State, Sennar, El Faw and El Gedaref in eastern Sudan, and Ed Duweim in White Nile. Large protests or strikes have been announced for later this week.

Also doctors are targeted by the security force and a number is being held in detention. In Nyala they arrested Dr Amar El Obeid on Monday, the day that President Omar Al Bashir visited the South Darfur capital to gain support for his beleaguered regime. The amount of demonstrators detained to this day is unclear but several official sources stated that over a thousand people have been in detention or remain in detention, amid calls by the international community, Sudanese imams and civilians upon the authorities to stop killing protesters.

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♦ Live fire used during demonstrations in Khartoum North

January 14 – 2019 KHARTOUM The security services used live ammunition, tear gas, and batons to disperse demonstrators in Khartoum North yesterday. Along with the detention of an unknown number of people taking part in protests in response to the call of the Sudanese Professionals Association and allied opposition forces, thousands demonstrated in Khartoum North on Sunday as Sudan entered its fourth week of unrest. Five separate marches took place along the main streets in the northern part of the capital. security forces fired tear gas at the crowd at several occasions and launched a random arrest campaign before and after the demonstration, detaining protesters and journalists.

In their Friday sermons, a number of imams in mosques in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum condemning the security forces' killing of demonstrators and statements of former Vice President Ali Osman Taha and leading member of the ruling National Congress Party, El Fateh Izzeldin, saying demonstrators should be killed. “He who shoots bullets is a murderer, aims his gun at demonstrators is a murderer, whoever supports them is a murderer, and those who are ordering them to do so are even more evil,” the Imam of El Rahma Mosque said in his sermon.

On Wednesday 9 January, government forces entered the Omdurman Teaching Hospital and fired live bullets and tear gas in their pursue of wounded protesters from earlier that day. They marched into the emergency and medical sections of the Omdurman Hospital roughing up both patients and doctors.


More news from Radio Dabanga:

NISS in Blue Nile detains suspected protest mobilisers

January 15 – 2019 ED DAMAZIN The Sudanese security apparatus is detaining two young men accused of mobilising other young people to demonstrate against the regime in Ed…

Herders kill, abduct farmers in North Darfur

January 15 – 2019 KUTUM / NYALA A shooting by herders on farmers in North Darfur caused the death of one of them on Sunday. Two people have been abducted. A man was killed…

Sudanese rebel leader refuses to ‘sit down with regime’

January 14 – 2019 PARIS / DOHA Jibril Ibrahim, head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), has rejected the resumption of negotiations with the government, due to be held in…

Sudan protests: Largest and most coordinated since beginning

January 14 – 2019 KHARTOUM / PORT SUDAN / EL GEDAREF / EL GEZIRA / SENNAR / EL MANASIR The demonstrations calling for the overthrow of the regime and the immediate…

Chronic life-saving medicines in short supply in Sudan

January 13 – 2019 KHARTOUM The former head of the Private Pharmacies Association, Dr Nasri Morgos, has reported a scarcity of medicines in Sudan. The ongoing shortage of…

Sudanese Doctors Syndicate calls for international support

January 13 – 2019 KHARTOUM The Sudanese medical profession has called on colleagues and organisations around the world for support, in a statement issued on Saturday…

EU body: Sudan’s protest crackdown 'impacts our bilateral phased engagement'

January 11 – 2019 BRUSSELS The European External Action Service (EEAS) has condemned the Sudanese authorities violent repression of protest, arrest of journalists…

Darfuri student killed in dorm identified after one week

January 11 – 2019 KHARTOUM BAHRI A student who was shot dead by Sudanese security forces in Khartoum North on January 4 was identified yesterday. His identification was no…

Al Bashir: ‘Sudan govt will bow only to Allah’

January 10 – 2019 KHARTOUM A defiant Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir has said that “Sudan has been subjected to a siege and support for the insurgency and some countries…

Man shot by Sudan forces unable to get surgery

January 8 – 2019 KHARTOUM A man shot during one of the recent protests did not undergo surgery to extract the bullet, reportedly shot by a sniper in Khartoum, because the Sudanese…


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