Thirst in Adila locality, East Darfur

The residents of Adila locality in East Darfur complain of an acute lack of drinking water.
“The fourth out of the five water engines in the locality broke down four days ago,” a listener told Dabanga from Abu Jabra.

The residents of Adila locality in East Darfur complain of an acute lack of drinking water.

“The fourth out of the five water engines in the area broke down four days ago,” a listener told Dabanga from Adila town.

“The problem is worsened by the preparations for the reconciliation conference between the Masalit and Fellata in neighbouring South Darfur. As a result, the price of a barrel of water has doubled to SDG20 ($3.30) in some areas.”

He urged the local authorities to speed up the repair of the engines.

