Thirst continues in South Darfur, West Kordofan towns

The drinking water crisis in Nyala, capital of South Darfur, is still continuing. In En Nahud, West Kordofan, people also complain about a lack of water, besides a recurrent disruption of power supplies.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a resident of Nyala, the third largest city in the country, reported that the price of a barrel of water has risen to SDG20 ($3.35).

The drinking water crisis in Nyala, capital of South Darfur, is still continuing. In En Nahud, West Kordofan, people also complain about a lack of water, besides a recurrent disruption of power supplies.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a resident of Nyala, the third largest city in the country, reported that the price of a barrel of water has risen to SDG20 ($3.35).

“Especially the southern part of Nyala is short of water,” he explained, stressing that the “water crisis is not a surprise to the authorities, as it recurs every year at this time”.

He appealed to the South Darfur government to speed up the solution of the problem.

An official from the South Darfur water corporation stated earlier this month that the power outages are the main reason for the disruption of the water flow to the residential districts in Nyala. He pointed out that the growing demand for drinking water greatly exceeds the 18 available water sources.

West Kordofan

The people living in En Nahud also complain about a shortage of water and power outages. “A barrel of water now costs SSDG12 ($2),” a resident of the West Kordofani town told Radio Dabanga.

He added that the power cuts last from the early morning until late in the evening.


