Teachers Committee: ‘Sudan govt. does not appreciate exam correctors’

Teachers who are correcting the Sudanese secondary school examinations in Khartoum are complaining about the conditions they have to work and live in.
A teacher who travelled to Khartoum for the correction job told Radio Dabanga that he and his colleagues have been accommodated in a poorly equipped school building in the Sudanese capital.
“Apart from the large distance between the school and the correction centre, the school lacks even the most basic facilities such as beds, sheets and pillows,” he complained.

Sitting for secondary school exams in Sudan (file photo)

Teachers who are correcting the Sudanese secondary school examinations in Khartoum are complaining about the conditions they have to work and live in.

A teacher who travelled to Khartoum for the correction job told Radio Dabanga that he and his colleagues have been accommodated in a poorly equipped school building in the Sudanese capital.

“Apart from the large distance between the school and the correction centre, the school lacks even the most basic facilities such as beds, sheets and pillows,” he complained.

“Moreover, because of the soaring fuel prices, a large part of our earnings will be spent on transportation within Khartoum.”

He called on the Ministry of Education and the Teachers’ Union “to intervene and solve the many problems”.

Appalling conditions’

Duriya Babikir, a leading member of the Khartoum Teachers’ Committee confirmed the lack of beds and ventilators in the correction centres at the Halawiyat Saad and Abdelmunim basic schools in Khartoum. “The condition of the latrines at both schools is appalling,” she told this station.

Babikir described the situation “a mockery”, considering it as a lack of appreciation for the 5,700 teachers who are correcting the secondary school exams this year.

She holds the Teachers’ Union responsible. “The parents’ councils have agreed that the services for the correctors would be paid in advance, as part of the exam fees,” she explained.

Shortage of beds and mattresses’

The head of the governmental Teachers Union, Abbas Habiballah, acknowledged “a shortage of beds and mattresses” to reporters in Khartoum on Thursday.

Nevertheless, he called on the correctors “to work fairly and accurate, to avoid injustice being done against any student”.

Habiballah further urged the teachers to carry their health insurance card with them in case of any emergency happening during the correction process.

He expected the corrections to be completed before the start of the fasting month of Ramadan [in mid-May].

