Tabit market attacked by government troops, killing several citizens

Dozens of people were killed and injured on Friday at the market of Tabit, 30 kilometers south of El-Fasher. Citizens were beaten and shops and properties were looted by Abu Taira troops, witnesses told Radio Dabanga.Abu Tira troops and the Sudanese army surrounded Tabit’s market from four different angles after Friday prayers, driving a convoy of Land-cruisers. They fired shots in the air with heavy machine guns, which resulted in killing and injuring dozens of people. The number of fatal victims remains unclear, as testimonies of eye-witnesses are conflicting. Some witnesses say the death toll is about 15 and others say more than 20 people were killed, leaving dozens missing. A witness told Radio Dabanga that three people were killed; Goma’a Saleh, Abdel Latif Ali and Mohamed Mahjoub Mohamed, leaving 17 others injured. The witness added that a number of 28 cows, sheep and other livestock were killed in the events. He confirmed that Abu Tira troops and the army beat several citizens and arrested dozens of others. The witness pointed out that it is difficult to list the number of victims because people fled in many different directions. Tabit market is one of the largest local markets in the area of East Jebel Marra.

Dozens of people were killed and injured on Friday at the market of Tabit, 30 kilometers south-west of El Fasher, capital of North Darfur. People were beaten and shops and properties were looted by Abu Tira troops, witnesses told Radio Dabanga.

Abu Tira troops and the Sudanese army surrounded Tabit’s market from four different angles after Friday prayers, driving a convoy of Land-cruisers. They fired shots in the air with heavy machine guns, which resulted in killing and injuring dozens of people.

The number of fatal victims remains unclear, as testimonies of eye-witnesses are conflicting. Some witnesses say the death toll is about 15 and others say more than 20 people were killed, leaving dozens missing.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that three people were killed; Juma Saleh, Abdellatif Ali and Mohamed Mahjoub Mohamed, leaving 17 others injured. The witness added that a number of 28 cows, sheep and other livestock were killed in the events. He confirmed that Abu Tira troops and the army beat several citizens and arrested dozens of others. The witness pointed out that it is difficult to list the number of victims because people fled in many different directions.

Tabit market is one of the largest local markets in the area east of Jebel Marra.

