Sudanese protest in solidarity with cancer patients
Volunteers in Wad Madani, the capital of El Gezira, launched a vigil in front of the National Cancer Institute in the city on Monday in solidarity with cancer patients.

Volunteers in Wad Madani, the capital of El Gezira, launched a vigil in front of the National Cancer Institute in the city on Monday in solidarity with cancer patients.
Members of the Wad Madani Resistance Committees and the Angry Wad Madani Group explained that the vigil was organised to demands free diagnosis services and free provision of chemotherapy to patients. They also demand improved working conditions in oncology centres in El Gezira.
Many cancer patients in the state do not receive the required chemotherapy doses and live in tragic conditions.
Relatives of patients say that there is a shortage of cancer medication in Wad Madani. Prices on the parallel (non-official) medicine market range from SDG70,000 to more than SDG400,000 per dose.
Last week, Radio Dabanga reported that Sudan’s oncology services are in crisis. There is a rise in cancer cases whilst treatment costs significantly increased and medical equipment is in short supply.