Sudanese Professionals Assoc to announce candidates for interim civilian govt

The Sudanese Professionals Association, a major force behind the Sudan uprising, has said that it will announce its list of the names of people nominated to serve in the interim civilian government of Sudan.

Sudan uprising poster (Sudan Professionals Association)

The Sudanese Professionals Association, a major force behind the Sudan uprising, has said that it will announce its list of the names of people nominated to serve in the interim civilian government of Sudan.

The association said it will make the announcement at 7 pm today, and called on diplomatic missions and local, regional and international media to cover the press conference to be held at the sit-in in front of the General Command of the Sudan Armed Forces in Khartoum.

Civilian govt

As previously reported by Radio Dabanga, The signatories to the Declaration of Freedom and Change, a broad coalition of opposition parties including the Sudanese Professionals Association, a major force behind the Sudan Uprising, have rejected the seizure of power by Sudan’s military, and called on the public to maintain the protests and sit-ins.

The forces of freedom and change in Sudan, as well as several voices from the international community Including the USA and European Union, have expressed their insistence that the Interim Military Council established after the overthrow of the Al Bashir regime, urgently transfer power to an interim civilian government.

Diverse representation

The proposals emphasise the formation of a political council and ministers and parliament to manage the transition through experts and professional competencies [technocrats], 40 per cent women representation in the Legislative Council, and taking into account the ethnic diversity in Sudan.

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