Sudanese among Hajj stampede victims

One Sudanese national died and two more were wounded in the stampede of pilgrims in Mina valley in Saudi Arabia today.
According to Saudi Civil Defence at least 717 people were crushed to death and more than 850 injured in a stampede. Panic broke out when two groups of pilgrims preparing for one of the last major rites of their journey collided at the intersection of two narrow streets. It is the deadliest disaster to occur during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in a quarter of a century.

One Sudanese national died and two more were wounded in the stampede of pilgrims in Mina valley in Saudi Arabia today.

According to Saudi Civil Defence at least 717 people were crushed to death and more than 850 injured in a stampede. Panic broke out when two groups of pilgrims preparing for one of the last major rites of their journey collided at the intersection of two narrow streets. It is the deadliest disaster to occur during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in a quarter of a century.

At Mina, pilgrims carry out a symbolic stoning of the devil by throwing pebbles against three stone walls. It also houses more than 160,000 tents where pilgrims spend the night during the pilgrimage.

El Mutee Mohamed Ahmed, head of the Sudanese Hajj [Muslim pilgrimage] Directorate, confirmed to Ashorooq TV that one Sudanese pilgrim was crushed to death in Mina and two others sustained injuries.

He said that the death of two Sudanese women on Thursday morning had no connection with the stampede. They died of natural causes.

Ahmed added that the stampede took place near the Sudanese tent camp. Their camp has now been transformed into a first aid camp to treat the injured.

