Sudan-wide civil disobedience: Major shut-down of Govt offices, commerce, industry

The second day of the civil disobedience campaign witnessed a large-scale response by the Sudanese in the cities of Sudan and its various states in Darfur, Kordofan, El Gezira, Sennar, Blue Nile, Kassala, El Gedaref, the Red Sea, the River Nile and the Northern state.

Deserted streets in Sudan

The second day of the civil disobedience campaign witnessed a large-scale response by the Sudanese in the cities of Sudan and its various states in Darfur, Kordofan, El Gezira, Sennar, Blue Nile, Kassala, El Gedaref, the Red Sea, the River Nile and the Northern state.

In South Kordofan, Mubarak Habila of the leadership of the Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC) in Delling said that work at government offices has stopped by 60 per cent, while the rate of implementation of disobedience in West Kordofan has amounted to 90 per cent.

Most government departments and institutions in El Gedaref state have been closed, some shops have opened, ports and banks in Port Sudan have witnessed low movement and presence of workers, while Zain Telecom has witnessed a complete halt of work as has the bus division in Port Sudan.


The South Darfur capital of Nyala witnessed deployment of a large RSF force in about 75 armed vehicles in the streets, at the time, wide sectors of banks and markets committed to the civil disobedience and closed their doors, while some pharmacies, vegetable markets, and essential goods shops were open.

In North Kordofan, the percentage of civil disobedience in the capital El Obeid declined during the second day to 80 percent.

Ali Ibrahim, spokesman for the Sudanese Workers Union in North Kordofan said “The rate of success of civil disobedience in El Obeid slightly went down yesterday, and the success rate at the courts, crop markets, transport companies, and industrial zones in El Obeid is still large”, while the success rate of disobedience saw a slight decline in banks, banks and markets”.

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