Sudan uprising: ‘Night of Marches’

A number of districts of the Sudan capital Khartoum, and several other cites and towns across Sudan, witnessed evening demonstrations on Monday calling for the immediate overthrow of Al Bashir and his regime from power in ‘the night of marches’ announced by the Sudanese Professionals Association and the other signatories to the Declaration of Freedom and Change as the Sudanese prepare for the march towards the Presidential Palace in Khartoum on Thursday.

Sudan uprising (File photo)

A number of districts of the Sudan capital Khartoum, and several other cites and towns across Sudan, witnessed evening demonstrations on Monday calling for the immediate overthrow of Al Bashir and his regime from power in ‘the night of marches’ announced by the Sudanese Professionals Association and the other signatories to the Declaration of Freedom and Change as the Sudanese prepare for the march towards the Presidential Palace in Khartoum on Thursday.

Demonstrators closed the main roads at El Hatana district in Omdurman and El Sahafa East in Khartoum by setting fire to barricades of tyres.

Burri and other districts in Khartoum witnessed similar evening demonstrations.

Darfur lawyers

Yesterday, lawyers in Nyala, capital of South Darfur, held a protest in front of the courts’ complex at 9 am in the march of professions and demand bodies called for by the Sudanese Professionals Association and forces signatory for the Declaration of Freedom and Change.

One of the lawyers told Radio Dabanga from Nyala that they carried out a sit-in demanding the release of lawyer Salaheldin Adam, who was detained in Nyala on December 27 and transferred to Khartoum, this along with calling for the release of all the detainees held during the demonstrations.

During the sit-in, the lawyers raised banners confirming that the peaceful demonstration is a constitutional right, condemning the repression, killing, and torturing the peaceful demonstrators and demanding fair trial of the perpetrators before justice.

The lawyers confirmed that agents of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) detained five lawyers during the sit-in including Mudasir Hasan, Mahdi El Hadi, Abuhanifa Zeinelabdin, Mohamed Khatir and Khalid Haroun.

El Gezira academics

On Tuesday, lecturers of El Gezira University held a protest in El Gezira capital Wad Madani, the second of its kind, demanding the overthrow of the regime and condemning the killing of demonstrators.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that the professors carried banners condemning the killing of peaceful protesters and the use of violence against them.

They said they demanded the removal of the regime’s president and the release of the detainees. They said they signed a memorandum to confirm their commitment to the goals of the sit-in.

Medical professionals

Doctors at El Naw Hospital, and doctors and pharmacists at El Zara Hospital in Omdurman and pharmaceutical companies in Khartoum organised three separate protest vigils demanding the regime’s downfall and condemning the killing of demonstrators.

The doctors and pharmacists carried banners calling for the immediate removal of the regime.

The pharmacists who work in pharmaceutical companies held a protest outside El Zara Hospital, carrying banners calling for the regime to be overthrown, denouncing the government’s policies towards the pharmaceutical sector and other signs showing names of the lacked medicines in Sudan.


The students of Sudan International University in Khartoum carried out a sit-in in the campus, while large security force of surrounded the university.

The students chanted slogans demanding the regime’s departure and condemning the killing of protesters.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that security forces arrested a number of women students while they left the university building after taking off from the buses that were carrying them to their homes.

