Sudan uprising: Anti Al Bashir demos after Friday prayers met with violence
The demonstrations calling for the unconditional removal of Omar Al Bashir and his regime from power continued across Sudan after Friday prayers last week.

The demonstrations calling for the unconditional removal of Omar Al Bashir and his regime from power continued across Sudan after Friday prayers last week.
Hundreds of people took to the streets of Khartoum in nine separate demonstrations, including a number of mosques and districts calling for the overthrow of the regime and Al Bashir's removal.
Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that at the Ansar mosque of Wad Nubawi in Omdurman, when the worshipers went out in mass demonstrations after Friday prayers chanting slogans calling for the overthrow of the regime and the removal of Al Bashir, the security forces fired tear gas canisters inside and around the mosque to disperse the demonstrators.
Hundreds of demonstrators went out at El Jemayer, El Ferdous, El Iskan, El Lamab Nasir, El Kalakla, Khartoum 3, El Haj Yousef, and Soba El Hilla and closed a number of main roads.
Northern State
After Friday prayers, dozens of people took part in a demonstration at Sigdan and Karma El Balad in the Northern State, demanding the unconditional departure of Al Bashir and his regime from power and in response to a call by the Sudanese Professionals Association and the signatories to the Declaration of Freedom and Change.
Demonstrators of Sigdan condemned the killing and arrest of peaceful protestors, chanted the overthrow of the regime and demanded freedom and dignity. Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that the security forces intervened using plastic bars, sticks and tear gas to disperse the demonstrators, and arrested a number of them, including Awad Seif, Sham Juma, Khalid Muhyildin and others who were not identified.
People took part in a mass demonstration in Karma El Balad village, raising slogans calling for freedom, justice, peace and revolution is the choice of the people.
The security forces used tear gas and sticks to disperse the demonstrators.
North Kordofan
In Friday sermon, the imam of El Matar mosque in El Obeid in North Kordofan strongly criticised the killing and arrest of peaceful demonstrators and the heavy deployment of security forces in the markets.
The worshippers shouted “just fall, that’s all” after the sermon.