♦ Sudan: This week’s news in brief ♦
A compact digest of this week’s most-read highlights, from the heart of Sudan.

A compact digest of this week's most-read highlights, from the heart of Sudan. Subscribe to receive this digest weekly in your inbox.
West Darfur sit-in lifted, govt meets demands of protestors
February 8 – 2021 EL GENEINA The sit-in in the West Darfur capital El Geneina has been lifted. A government delegation, led by Transitional Sovereignity Council member Mohamed El Faki, met all the demands of the Arab tribesmen that set up the sit-in.
The sit-in, which blocked the bridges and roads to and from the town, lasted for two weeks. It led to rising prices of basic commodities in El Geneina.
In a statement, the protestors committee stated all their demands will be met “without any restrictions or conditions”. A timetable will be set up for implementing the demands. The demands will be divided into four areas: political, humanitarian, social, and legal.
The protestor’s demands include the dismissal of the wali (governor) of West Darfur, Mohamed El Doma, moving camps for displaced persons such as Ranadaq, Abu Dahar, El Hajaj from El Geneina, and restructuring of the police force.
EU Special Envoy meets PM to assess tensions with Ethiopia
February 8 – 2021 KHARTOUM / KASSALA / EL GEDAREF Since his arrival, EU Special Representative Pekka Haavisto has met with the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources, and the Acting Wali of Kassala state.
June 3 massacre: Missing persons committee investigates mortuary
February 6 – 2021 WAD MADANI Autopsy and re-autopsy of 168 unidentified bodies of unknown persons in a civilian mortuary at Wad Madani Teaching Hospital are over halfway, according to Osama Abdelrahman, Assistant Director General of the Ministry of Health in El Gezira.
Elites associated with Al Bashir call on West Darfur gov to resign
February 5 – 2021 EL GENEINA A group of Darfur elites reportedly called on West Darfur Wali, Mohamed El Doma, to resign. Residents of El Geneina continue to report thefts and lootings despite the presence of the Rapid Support Forces.
ICC rejects former Darfur janjaweed leader's appeal for interim release
February 5 – 2021 THE HAGUE The International Criminal Court (ICC) Appeals Chamber confirmed that Ali Muhammad Ali Abdelrahman (also known as Ali Kushayb) will remain in the custody of the ICC.
Cooking gas protestors block Khartoum street
February 3 – 2021 KHARTOUM Demonstrators closed off 60 Street in Khartoum using cooking gas cylinders in protest against the rising cost of gas. The Ministry of Energy and Mining is expecting Khartoum Gily Refinery to recommence operations, after stalling in December.
Call for US Pres Biden to normalise relations ‘on his watch’
February 3 – 2021 WASHINGTON / KHARTOUM A group of more than 125 organisations, human rights activists, and prominent figures have called on US President Joe Biden to appoint an ambassador to Sudan to support normalisation of relations with the US.
New UN mission head arrives in Khartoum
February 3 – 2021 KHARTOUM The new UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) main office will be based in Khartoum with eight regional offices in Darfur, South Kordofan, Blue Nile, Kassala, and Red Sea states.
North Darfur: 14 dead in 10 days
February 3 – 2021 TAWILA / KUTUM / EAST JEBEL MARRA Gunmen driving vehicles and riding motorcycles, horses and camels have killed 14 people, wounded eight, burned 11 villages, looted mills, and have stolen 15,000 head of cattle in Tawila locality in the last 10 days.