♦ Sudan: This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact digest of this week’s most-read highlights, from the heart of Sudan.

A compact digest of this week's most-read highlights, from the heart of Sudan. Subscribe to receive this digest weekly in your inbox.

December 25 – 2020 BIELEL / EL FASHER Sudan’s Ministers of Defence and Interior Affairs discussed the security arrangements needed in Darfur after the departure of the UN-AU Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) on December 31. Displaced people in Darfur have resumed their calls for an extension of the mission’s mandate.
The ministers spoke about the implementation of the plan to achieve the rule of law and restore security and stability in Darfur. They reviewed the country's security map, ensuring joint coordination to overcome the current challenges.
Representatives from various Darfur camps for the displaced held a meeting at Kalma camp in Bielel, near Nyala, capital of South Darfur, yesterday, in preparation of protest actions planned for Saturday. They also agreed to resume the sit-in to demand the UN Security Council to reconsider its decision on ending the work of the joint AU-UN mission.

Sudan army reclaims territory from Ethiopian army
December 28 – 2020 EL FASHAGA / EL GUREISHA The Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) have reclaimed territory from Ethiopian army soldiers and militiamen in eastern Sudan’s El Gedaref. Jibril Ibrahim, head of the Justice and Equality Movement, said his rebels are willing to join the SAF in the disputed border area.

SAF Deputy Chief-of-Staff Lt Gen Majdi Osman said on Al Arabiya news channel that the army recaptured half of the lands occupied by Ethiopian army soldiers and militiamen (called shifta in the region). They managed to regain control over six Ethiopian camp sites in El Fashaga and 11 other sites in El Gureisha near the El Gedaref-Ethiopian border. He emphasised that the Sudanese army did not cross the Ethiopian border.

El Rasheed Abdelgader, head of the El Fashaga Lands Victims Committee, confirmed that the army advanced from 12 to 3 kilometres from the border with Ethiopia, where it recaptured six camps.

Hemeti meets with Beja to discuss eastern Sudan peace track
December 29 – 2020 KHARTOUM Vice President of the Sovereign Council Lt Gen Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, 'Hemeti' affirmed the government's desire to implement the eastern Sudan track protocol, during a meeting with President of the Beja Opposition Conference, Osama Saeed.

Darfur tribal fighting leaves 15 dead
December 28 – 2020 GIREIDA At least 15 tribesmen were killed and 34 others injured during tribal clashes between Masalit farmers and Fallata herders in South Darfur on Saturday. In El Geneina, West Darfur, a student was shot dead.

Reports about child abuse increasing
December 26 – 2020 KHARTOUM / PORT SUDAN According to the international My Body Is My Body Child Abuse Prevention Programme, the number of reports about children being abused and molested in the country is growing. “In particular in rural areas, the number of reports is rising.”

Officials visit churches on Christmas day
December 26 – 2020 WAD MADANI / EL FASHER The governor of El Gezira visited a Catholic Church, an Episcopal Church, and an Evangelical Church in Wad Madani yesterday. Governor Abdallah Idris lauded “the spirit of brotherhood” between Muslims and Christians.

COVID-19 continues to spread with more than 35 medics dead
December 25 – 2020 KHARTOUM / PORT SUDAN On Wednesday, the Central Doctors Committee reported that over 35 Sudanese physicians have died during the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Sudan will receive COVID-19 vaccines in April.

New Ethiopian attack on Sudanese army forces in El Gedaref
December 25 – 2020 EL FASHAGA / ADDIS ABABA / KHARTOUM On Wednesday, Ethiopian army and militia forces shelled the site of the SAF in Jebel Abu Tuyour in eastern El Gedaref. Sudanese army forces clashed with Ethiopian reconnaissance forces near Wad Kouli.

Young Khartoum activist tortured and killed
December 24 – 2020 KHARTOUM A young activist, Bahaeldin Nouri, was abducted by unidentified armed men in Khartoum on Monday. His relatives found him dead in Omdurman Teaching Hospital the following day. The body of Nouri showed visible signs of torture.

Sudan cleared from future terrorism lawsuits in US
December 23 – 2020 WASHINGTON / KHARTOUM The bill reinstates Sudan’s sovereign immunity and prevents future legal procedures for attacks on Americans that the ousted Al Bashir regime supported, excluding pending court cases filed by victims of the September 11 attacks.

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