♦ Sudan: This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact digest of the past week’s most-read highlights, from the heart of Sudan.

Jibril Ibrahim (R) and Minni Minawi (C), members of the National Accord Forces (social media)

A compact digest of the past week's most-read highlights, from the heart of Sudan. Subscribe to receive this digest weekly in your inbox.

Opposition parties reject 'imminent' agreement between Sudan's military and civilian forces
October 17 – 2022 KHARTOUM The National Accord Forces (NAF) announced its total rejection of an alleged “bilateral settlement” between the Forces for Freedom and Change-Central Council (FFC-CC) and the military component of the government. The NAF are a breakaway faction of the FFC, formerly called the Forces for Freedom and Change-National Accord (FFC-NA). The NAF said that the current bilateral statement does not represent all parties. 
The agreement in question provides for a civilian prime minister and a 'government of competencies', but control over the proposed Security and Defence Council remains a point of contention. According to a UN statement on Friday, talks regarding solutions are ongoing. In Sudan, there is plenty of scepticism around the military’s announced ‘withdrawal’.

Renewed Blue Nile state clashes kill another 13 in Sudan
October 18 – 2022 ED DAMAZIN / EL ROSEIRES The conflict in Blue Nile state flared up again on October 13, leaving at least 13 people dead and 24 injured after a land dispute in Wad El Mahi locality, the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) published in a flash update on the conflict. Intercommunal violence in the area saw at least 162 people killed since July.
According to unconfirmed reports, two people from El Hamaj tribe were killed in a land dispute in Wad El Mahi locality on October 13. This led to clashes between the Hausa community and other tribes. The intercommunal violence that erupted in mid-July between Hausa, Berta, El Hamaj, and other ethnic groups in the northern part of Blue Nile state, which left at least 105 people dead, has flared up before.

Sudan's FFC denies allowing military to escape accountability
October 21 – 2022 KHARTOUM In an interview with Radio Dabanga, the Forces for Freedom and Change-Central Council, the mainstream FFC, defended their ‘imminent agreement’ with the military and denied rumours that they agreed with the junta that the military will not be held accountable for the crimes they have committed.
Deaths, kidnapping, and threats as herdsmen force cattle onto Darfur farms
October 21 – 2022 KUTUM / MUKJAR Two displaced people were killed, a third was wounded, and a fourth was kidnapped in attacks on farmers by armed herdsmen on Tuesday and Wednesday in ​​Kutum, North Darfur. Displaced farmers in Central Darfur have been held at gunpoint as herders let their camels graze on the farmed pastures.
10+ dead in renewed Blue Nile state clashes
October 20 – 2022 ED DAMAZIN / EL ROSEIRES More than 10 people were killed during renewed inter-communal clashes in the Wad El Mahi locality in Blue Nile state. Following these events, the regional government prevented large gatherings and vehicle rental, as well as imposing a curfew in an effort to stem the violence.
Sudan army accuses SPLM-N of shelling West Kordofan
October 20 – 2022 LAGAWA LOCALITY, WEST KORDOFAN Following West Kordofan’s inter-communal clashes between the Misseriya and Nuba tribes which erupted over a land dispute in the state’s Lagawa locality last week, Sudan’s Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) accused the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) of shelling the area.
West Kordofan ‘still tense’ following inter-tribal clashes
October 19 – 2022 LAGAWA The Wali (governor) of West Kordofan has confirmed that skirmishes continue in the state’s Lagawa locality, after tension between the Misseriya and Nuba tribes escalated following a dispute over land ownership. The United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) laments that the area is still inaccessible to humanitarian responders.
Sudan report: over 7,000 protesters seriously injured since Oct 25 coup
October 18 – 2022 KHARTOUM The Hadhreen initiative published a documentary report on the violations against peaceful pro-democracy protesters dating from the October 25, 2021, military coup to August 4 of this year. At least 116 protesters died at the hands of security forces and over 7,000 protesters reportedly were seriously injured up to August. Real numbers are likely higher.
Netherlands Ambassador to Sudan hails ‘fruitful and constructive’ meeting with TSC member El Hadi Idris
October 18 – 2022 KHARTOUM Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) El Hadi Idris met the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Sudan, Irma van Dueren, at the Republican Place in Khartoum on Monday. The meeting reviewed the historic relations linking Sudan and The Netherlands and aspects of joint cooperation between Khartoum and Amsterdam.
Flood damage to crops will 'exacerbate' food insecurity in Sudan
October 17 – 2022 KHARTOUM As Sudan’s rainy season draws to a close, the number of people affected by seasonal rains and flash floods across Sudan has remained constant at 349,000 since 26 September, according to a report by UN OCHA.
Sudan doctors: 27 injuries during October 13 Marches of the Millions
October 16 – 2022 KHARTOUM / ATBARA / OMDURMAN The Socialist Doctors Association in Sudan recorded 27 injuries following the Marches of the Millions in Khartoum on Thursday, including a case of a child being run over and several injuries from live ammunition.

