Sudan security services arrest 3 inside home in C Darfur

Three people were arrested by the Sudanese security services inside their home in Garsila, Central Darfur. Husband, wife and a houseguest were taken to the authorities’ office and only the woman has been released. Four members of the security services came by the detainees’ home at 6:00pm on Wednesday and arrested Abdel Nabi Ali Ishaq, his wife and a guest, a source said. Ishaq’s house is located in the Al Haya Jenubi neighborhood south of the city of Garsila. The source fears that Ishaq and his guest are being tortured and subjected to ill-treatment while in custody. He demanded the men’s immediate release, or at least that they are allowed to stand trial.Radio Dabanga file photo

Three people were arrested by the Sudanese security services inside their home in Garsila, Central Darfur. Husband, wife and a houseguest were taken to the authorities’ office and only the woman has been released.

Four members of the security services came by the detainees’ home at 6:00pm on Wednesday and arrested Abdel Nabi Ali Ishaq, his wife and a guest, a source said. Ishaq’s house is located in the Al Haya Jenubi neighborhood south of the city of Garsila.

The source fears that Ishaq and his guest are being tortured and subjected to ill-treatment while in custody. He demanded the men’s immediate release, or at least that they are allowed to stand trial.

Radio Dabanga file photo

