At least 35 detained following March of Millions in Sudan
Sudan’s Emergency Lawyers said at least 35 people including four children were detained following the March of Millions protest in Khartoum and Omdurman. The group condemned the arrests stating that Sudanese security forces fired tear gas and also beat and dragged those they arrested. Some 16 protesters were arrested in Omdurman and a further 19 in Khartoum.

Sudan’s Emergency lawyers said 35 people including four children were detained following Thursday’s March of Millions protest in Khartoum and Omdurman.
In a statement issued over the weekend, the group condemned the detentions stating that Sudanese security forces fired tear gas at protesters and at their lawyer’s office, and also beat and dragged those they detained.
Some 16 protesters were held in Omdurman and a further 19 in Khartoum, the group said. The lawyers said many were also injured due to the ‘’excessive force’’ applied by the security forces.
Thursday’s Marches of Millions took place across a number of cities and towns across Sudan and were organised by the resistance committees who call for an immediate civilian government.