Sudan’s Prosecution Office questions Al Bashir on money laundering and corruption

The Public Prosecution Office dealing with corruption and financial investigations summoned the ousted president Omar Al Bashir for questioning on Sunday. The Prosecution suspects Al Bashir of money laundering, corruption, and forbidden and suspicious wealth.

Officers display some of the cash hoard found at the residence of deposed President Omar Al Bashir in April 2019 (Social media)

The Public Prosecution Office dealing with corruption and financial investigations summoned the ousted president Omar Al Bashir for questioning on Sunday. The Prosecution suspects Al Bashir of money laundering, corruption, and forbidden and suspicious wealth.

The Prosecution always wants to question Al Bashir about the role of the former government in its dealing with the Mobitel Telecommunications Company (MTC) and the granting of a license for a second network.

Al Bashir will also be interrogated about the relationship between some influential and rich people within the Islamic Movement and international terrorists.

It is reported that the allegations against Al Bashir were based on reports from the General Intelligence Service, that succeeded the notorious National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in July 2019.


On December 14 2019, Al Bashir, who ruled the country for 30 years and was deposed by a military coup on April 11, 2019, was already convicted on charges of corruption and currency irregularities, and sentenced to two years in a ‘correctional facility’ designed for older prisoners.

He is still being held in Khartoum’s Kober Prison, which became notorious under his regime for holding countless political detainees, many of whom were tortured or worse. Al Bashir is awaiting trial on further charges regarding the killing of demonstrators following the violent dismantling of the sit-in in front of the army command in Khartoum on June 3, 2019.


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