Sudan’s opposition forces renew call to boycott April election

Opposition ‘Sudan Appeal’ forces have added their voices to the swelling call to boycott the election scheduled of 13 April. In a statement issued to mark the 30th anniversary of 6 April 1985 popular uprising which ended the rule of general Jaafar Numeiri, the coalition of the political and armed opposition forces said the government obstructed the African Union brokered pre-dialogue meeting and aborted the German initiative to facilitate a negotiated settlement.

Opposition ‘Sudan Appeal’ forces have added their voices to the swelling call to boycott the election scheduled of 13 April.

In a statement issued to mark the 30th anniversary of 6 April 1985 popular uprising which ended the rule of general Jaafar Numeiri, the coalition of the political and armed opposition forces said the government obstructed the African Union brokered pre-dialogue meeting and aborted the German initiative to facilitate a negotiated settlement.

The statement continued that by said by doing so the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) insists to move forward in the path of war and rejects a negotiated solution, leaving the choice of a peaceful uprising for the opposition forces.

“Thus the Sudan Call forces appeal on the masses of our people to escalate the resistance against the fraudulent elections and overlook its, results and to continue the resistance campaigns until the overthrow of the regime,” the opposition forces state.

National Umma Party (NUP) leader Sadiq al-Mahdi on Sunday accused the NCP of using all the means of the Sudanese state to ensure the reelection of its leader and the party candidates.

He further described the regime of president Al Bashir as “volatile”, saying they sold their Islamist ideology and sought to reach agreements with rebel groups to ensure the continuation of their rule.

The Sudan Call forces said they agreed to develop their activities and intensify efforts to reunite the opposition forces.

The statement, signed by NUP chairman El Sadig El Mahdi, Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) chief Malik Agar, National Consensus Forces (NCF) representative Mohamed Mukhtar El Khateeb and civil society groups delegate, Babiker Ahmed El Hassan.

