Sudan Red Crescent preparing for possible post-election violence

The Red Crescent Society announced this week that it is preparing for possible election-related violence in Sudan. Its preparations so far have included emergency first aid courses for 40,000 trainees and installation of communications equipment.

The Red Crescent Society announced this week that it is preparing for possible election-related violence in Sudan. Its preparations so far have included emergency first aid courses for 40,000 trainees and installation of communications equipment.

A statement released by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) disclosed that in response to tensions especially in the South, “the Sudanese Red Crescent, together with Movement partners, has been developing and putting into place contingency plans in the event of violence and civil unrest.”

The Sudanese Red Crescent’s election contingency planning and training scheme is supported by 394,035 Swiss francs (366,708 US dollar or 269,170 euro) from the IFRC.

“One of the crucial elements of the Red Crescent’s plan is having efficient emergency communication equipment installed and functioning. As the leading indigenous emergency response agency throughout Sudan, the Red Crescent has been requested to coordinate communication at national and state levels,” said IFRC.

IFRC information systems manager for Eastern Africa, David Kola, supported installation of the emergency telecommunications equipment and training of operators. He visited 13 branches and 3 sub branches in 16 locations in the north including Blue Nile, Dongola, Kadugli, Albara and Port Sudan regions to name just a few.

“Telecommunication equipment was also installed in four branches in south Sudan. Thanks to our contribution, information can be relayed quickly,” said Kola.

