Sudan peace talks: ‘Agreements close on all tracks’

Mohamed El Taayshi, member of Sudan’s Sovereign Council and member of the government’s peace negotiation team reported that the discussion issues were laid out in all tracks of the Juba peace negotiations, explaining that they are close to agreement in most of the tracks.

Mohamed El Taayshi, member of Sudan’s Sovereign Council and member of the government’s peace negotiation team, speaks to reporters (RD)

Mohamed El Taayshi, member of Sudan’s Sovereign Council and member of the government’s peace negotiation team reported that the discussion issues were laid out in all tracks of the Juba peace negotiations, explaining that they are close to agreement in most of the tracks.

He confirmed in a press conference at Khartoum Airport after the team returned from Juba that the discussion about the issue of peace in Sudan is not easy, but it is not impossible, pointing out that the discussion with all track teams was “serious, responsible and constructive”.

The negotiation teams achieved progress in all tracks, including the Declaration of Principles, he said.

Concerning the negotiation track on Darfur, all proposals by the Sudan Revolutionary Front rebel alliance have been thoroughly discussed, including the specifics related to Darfur and national issues.

“We have come close to a framework agreement on the Darfur track,” he stated.

Regarding the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North led by Abdelaziz El Hilu (SPLM-N El Hilu), El Taayshi said, “We reached a declaration of principles to resolve issues within its political framework. Then we will move to the stage of political agreement and if we exceed that, we will have covered more than 70 percent of the total political agreement”.

The Sovereign Council member pointed to the completion of the discussion of all issues with El Hilu, “with the exception of the nature of the state that has been historically contested in its philosophical framework and is part of the question of the nature of state administration”.

He explained that the members of the government delegation and the two SPLM-N factions discussed the state with an open mind stressing the government’s eagerness to address the main causes of the wars, saying that they would return to the South Sudanese capital to resume negotiations on Thursday.

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