Sudan opposition politicians ‘detained by daily summons’

The political secretary of the opposition Sudanese Congress Party, Mawahib Majzoub and party member Mohamed Osman have been detained for a week by the security services, using the device of daily summons.

Fuel queues in Sudan (RD)

The political secretary of the opposition Sudanese Congress Party, Mawahib Majzoub and party member Mohamed Osman have been detained for a week by the security services, using the device of daily summons.

Both Majzoub and Osman were detained during field activity of the Sudanese Congress Party in the framework of the campaign of “crisis of the homeland or fuel crisis”. They were distributing leaflets on the fuel crisis and protesting against the tightened fuel distribution policies.

After their arrests a week ago, the security apparatus broke into the house of the political secretary after her arrest, tampered with its contents, confiscated a number of books and publications, and seized the car and the mobile phones of the detainees.

Since their initial detention, they have been summonsed to appear at the offices of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in Khartoum daily.

