Sudan: Mothers of killed protesters demonstrate, new Marches of the Millions today

Mothers of people killed during protest marches organised a vigil in Omdurman yesterday. The resistance committees have called for new massive protests against the military rule in the country today.
The mothers came together at El Arbaeen Street on Tuesday morning, and called for justice and retribution for their children who were killed during street protests since the military coup d’état of October 25.

Vigil of mothers of protesters killed, Omdurman, January 11 (Social media)

Mothers of people killed during protest marches organised a vigil in Omdurman yesterday. The resistance committees have called for new massive protests against the military rule in the country today.

The mothers came together at El Arbaeen Street on Tuesday morning, and called for a halt to the violence used by the government forces against demonstrators, and justice and retribution for their children who were killed during street protests since the military coup d’état of October 25.

At least 63 demonstrators have been shot dead, fatally wounded by tear gas canisters or excessive blows since the coup took place.

The resistance committees active in the neighbourhoods of cities, towns and villages in the country called for new Marches of the Millions today to demand the return of the military to the barracks and a “full civilian rule”.

The Khartoum Resistance Committees' coordinators published in a statement on Tuesday containing 12 directives to secure the processions and maintain the safety of the demonstrators today.

The statement stressed the need for “full commitment to peaceful protests”. Any person initiating violence and causing friction with the security forces should be stopped.

The protesters are also advised to use small old mobile phones, and leave their money, watches, rings, smart phones, and other valuable items at home, “to prevent them being stolen by the coup forces”.

The El Mak Nimir bridge between central Khartoum and Khartoum North remained closed since the Marches of the Millions on Sunday, amid expectations that this morning, more bridges would be closed and more forces would be deployed on the streets.

A mother holds a poster with the photo of her son
The banner reads 'Gatil waladi ma bihkum baladi' –
The killer of my son cannot rule my country



