Sudan mass protests enter second week

The mass protests across Sudan against the economic crisis have entered their second week.

Marchers in Khartoum on Tuesday

(UPDATED) The mass protests across Sudan against the economic crisis have entered their second week.

Yesterday, Khartoum, Port Sudan, and Wadi Halfa witnessed renewed street protests demanding the overthrow of the regime. Sudanese refugees in South Sudan demonstrated as well. Internationally, Paris and Oslo witnessed sit-ins in solidarity with the demonstrations in Sudan.

Port Sudan

A resident of Port Sudan told Radio Dabanga that Deim El Nur district witnessed two demonstrations that have continued for a limited time before being dispersed by the authorities.

The protesters chanted slogans condemning the economic situation and calling for the overthrow of the regime.

Sudanese refugees

In several refugee camps in Maban county in Upper Nile state in South Sudan, hundreds of refugees from Sudan’s Blue Nile state demonstrated on Wednesday, demanding the ousting of Al Bashir’s regime and stopping the war in Blue Nile, South Kordofan, and Darfur.

Demonstrators confirmed to Radio Dabanga their full support for peaceful demonstrations in Sudan. They said the vigils took place simultaneously at the various camps in front of the UN offices with the participation of all sectors of refugees, women, youth and the elderly.

West Kordofan

In Babanusa in West Kordofan, agents of agents of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) detained five political activists following a demonstration on Monday. Detainees Jamal Yousef, Salah Ismail, El Rayah Jano, Nasreldin Eisa and Mohamed Hamadelnil were transferred to the prison of El Fula.

White Nile state governor Abulgasim El Amin said 260 people were arrested in Rabak and El Gezira Aba during demonstrations this week. Two protestors were killed in El Gezira Ababa.

The Sudanese Human Rights and Development Organisation (HUDO) reports that on December 25, seven people were injured during a peaceful demonstration at El Fula, capital of West Kordufan, due to the "excessive force used by security authorities". Two of those injured are reportedly in a serious condition.

Thousands of El Fula residents participated in a peaceful demonstration moving through the main street in town towards the headquarters of the state in order to submit a statement to the state governor demanding for their basic rights. When they reached El Hurriya Square which is one kilometre from the state headquarters, masked armed soldiers in police uniforms arrived in 11 vehicles and surrounded them. They immediately, used teargas and live ammunitions towards the unarmed demonstrators. As a result, seven people were injured whereby two of them have severe injuries.

HUDO names of the injured people as: Yasin Siddig, Haidar Jabar, Hamid Rahama, Mohamed Yagoub, Adam Suleiman, Ismail El Doud and Mohamed Yousef. The first two are in a bad condition that needs urgent medical attention; they have been referred to El Obeid hospital for further treatment.

