Sudan government bombs east of Jebel Marra

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that government aircraft yesterday renewed attacks on the eastern Jebel Marra region.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that government aircraft yesterday renewed attacks on the eastern Jebel Marra region. Antonov aircraft, MiGs and helicopters, supported by a ground force of more than 150 vehicles and 6 tanks, heavily bombarded the villages Tutumarre and Hashaba and the surrounding hills. One man who fled from Dale village told Radio Dabanga that the shelling caused a fire that burned parts of Dale village.

Other shells destroyed an herd located west of the village, including at least 30 of the cattle, sheep and camels.

Hundreds of people fled the village for the peaks and villages around it. People in the area are in need of food, medicine, and protection from government air attacks.

