Sudan Doctors: One dead, dozens injured during March of the Millions
The Central Committee of Sudan Doctors announced that one protestor was killed, and dozens were injured during the March of the Millions in Khartoum, on Thursday. Eisam Hasab al-Rasoul (23) was shot in the chest by the security forces, leaving the current number of protestors that have been killed at 93, since the October 25 military coup.

The Central Committee of Sudan Doctors announced that one protestor was killed, and dozens were injured during the March of the Millions in Khartoum, on Thursday. Esam Hasabelrasoul (23) was shot in the chest by the security forces, leaving the current number of protestors that have been killed at 93, since the October 25 military coup.
16 protestors were also reported to have been injured by gunfire, including a critical injury of a gunshot wound to the chest during the Burii demonstrations in eastern Khartoum, on Wednesday. Dozens more injuries occurred the next day, as peaceful protestors were fired upon by coup forces with live bullets, tear gas, and sound bombs, in an effort to disperse demonstrators headed towards the Presidential Palace.
Protesters chanted slogans denouncing the October 25 military coup, calling on the army to return to their barracks, full civilian rule and retribution for those killed during the protests.
Other cities in Sudan such as El Obeid, El Gedaref, Wad Madani, and Port Sudan also witnessed excessive violence during demonstrations condemning the coup, on Thursday. In El Gaderef, protestors faced tear gas and excessive beating with sticks and truncheons. Members of Sudan’s General Intelligence Service also arrested five activists in El Gedaref, three of whom were taken from inside the Gedaref Hospital. The five activists arrested in El Gedaref are Dr Muhamed Suleiman, lawyers Mutasim Osman and Hamam al-Rashed, Walid Abdallah and Moshen.
Northern Sudan
16 activists of the Al-Hafir resistance committee were issued with a fine of SDG50,000 by the Dongola Court in Sudan’s Northern State, for their part in the protests at Sheryan El Shimal (Artery of the North) on the Sudan-Egypt border. The activists who were protesting the recent price hikes in electricity fees, were fined for building barricades in order to prevent lorries heading to and from Egypt to cross.
Abdu Ali, a member of the Dongola Resistance Committees Coordination, told Radio Dabanga that the amounts set by the court would be paid on the activist’s behalf by his committee.
He also stated that a group of coup force members wounded 5 protestors by pelting them with stones and beating them with sticks, during a demonstration on Tuesday.
The committee condemned the attack on the peaceful procession and described those behind the attack as ‘barbaric’.