Sudan doctors: ‘Increase in number of eye injuries during protests’
The Central Committee of Sudan Doctors (CCSD) have indicated an increase in the number of eye injuries during the Khartoum processions, on Tuesday.

The Central Committee of Sudan Doctors (CCSD) have indicated an increase in the number of eye injuries during the Khartoum processions, on Tuesday.
The committee stated in their field report, that 14 cases of eye injury in total were suffered during the Tuesday's processions.
The cases included three cases of direct eye injury with tear gas canisters, five cases of head injury with tear gas canisters, in addition to a case of a protestor being ran over by a vehicle belonging to the coup forces.
The Sudanese Emergency lawyers revealed that lawyer, Adam Hussein, was injured in Monday's processions with a tear gas canister in his eye and underwent surgical intervention.
May 23 March of the Millions
The CCSD reported that 48 injuries were recorded in the May 23 March of the Millions, including eight injuries to the head with tear gas and cases of birdshot and rubber bullet injuries.
Demonstrators in Omdurman, Khartoum, and Khartoum North (Bahri) all moved towards El Arbaeen street (renamed Martyr Abdelazim Street) in Omdurman.
The police fired tear gas and used excessive violence against the protesters and tried to impede the arrival of the demonstrators from Khartoum North to Omdurman.