Sudan doctors: 104 injured in March of the Millions
The Sudanese Socialist Doctors Association reported that 104 cases were injured during the March 14 processions in Khartoum and Omdurman. The association report that tear gas, automatic rifles, and stun grenades being fired were the primary source of injury among the protestors. Three cases of protesters run over by vehicles were also reported.

The Sudanese Socialist Doctors Association reported that 104 cases were injured during the March 14 processions in Khartoum and Omdurman. The association report that tear gas, automatic rifles, and stun grenades being fired were the primary source of injury among the protestors. Three cases of protesters run over by vehicles were also reported.
The Sudan Doctors Committee said that Khartoum hospitals received dozens of injuries of protestors that had been shot by live bullets and airgun ammunition in the head and chest, including several critical injuries, that required hospitalisation in intensive care rooms and urgent surgical intervention.
Authorities fired bullets and tear gas at demonstrators near the Sharwani bus station leading to the Republican Palace, injuring a number of demonstrators. However, many demonstrators managed to bypass the security cordon and reach the outskirts of the Republican Palace.
The authorities pre-empted the mass marches by closing the Mak Nimr Bridge, which links Khartoum with Khartoum North. A number of people reported streets and bridges had “more closures than usual” in Khartoum, as opposed to previous marches in the capital.
A young female activist told Radio Dabanga, that “the price of bread, fuel, sugar, and other basic goods are jumping every day” and that they “were soon reaching their limit”.
In Sudan’s states, processions of solidarity with political detainees were launched in El Gedaref, Port Sudan and other cities.
Demonstrators told Radio Dabanga that the Red Sea state authorities confronted the demonstrators in Port Sudan with violence and tear gas.
The forces surrounded the main campus of the Red Sea University and detained a number of demonstrators, including activist Haram Idris.
The demonstrators in Port Sudan renounced the visit of Gen Mohamed ‘Hemeti’ Dagalo, scheduled for Tuesday.