Student killed, women assaulted in North Darfur

Militiamen shot a secondary school student dead in Sareif Beni Hussein locality, North Darfur, on Thursday. On the same day, eight women were assaulted by gunmen in two separate incidents in Kabkabiya locality. “Three government-backed militiamen on motorcycles opened fire on Abdelgader Abdelaziz in the area of Jebel ‘Amer on Thursday afternoon. He died instantly,” an eyewitness reported to Radio Dabanga.  “They then stripped him of his money and mobile phone.” The source added that Abdelaziz was buried in Kabkabiya town on Friday. Collecting straw On Thursday morning, militiamen on motorcycles intercepted seven women who were on their way to collect straw in the area northeast of Kabkabiya, a relative of one of the victims told Radio Dabanga. They beat the women with batons and whips. The hand of one of the women was broken. Two others sustained serious injuries too. They were treated at the Kabkabiya hospital. Near Gardo village, 18 km west of Kabkabiya, six gunmen attempted to ambush a woman collecting straw near the village. She managed to escape, but she fell during her flight. She had to be transferred to Kabkabiya hospital with a concussion in the head and leg injuries. File photo: Militiaman in Darfur, 2008 (Andrew Carter/ Meet the Janjaweed) Related: Displaced beaten and robbed near Central Darfur camp (5 December 2014)

Militiamen shot a secondary school student dead in Sareif Beni Hussein locality, North Darfur, on Thursday. On the same day, eight women were assaulted by gunmen in two separate incidents in Kabkabiya locality.

“Three government-backed militiamen on motorcycles opened fire on Abdelgader Abdelaziz in the area of Jebel ‘Amer on Thursday afternoon. He died instantly,” an eyewitness reported to Radio Dabanga.  “They then stripped him of his money and mobile phone.”

The source added that Abdelaziz was buried in Kabkabiya town on Friday.

Collecting straw

On Thursday morning, militiamen on motorcycles intercepted seven women who were on their way to collect straw in the area northeast of Kabkabiya, a relative of one of the victims told Radio Dabanga.

They beat the women with batons and whips. The hand of one of the women was broken. Two others sustained serious injuries too. They were treated at the Kabkabiya hospital.

Near Gardo village, 18 km west of Kabkabiya, six gunmen attempted to ambush a woman collecting straw near the village. She managed to escape, but she fell during her flight. She had to be transferred to Kabkabiya hospital with a concussion in the head and leg injuries.

File photo: Militiaman in Darfur, 2008 (Andrew Carter/ Meet the Janjaweed)

Related: Displaced beaten and robbed near Central Darfur camp (5 December 2014)

