State of Emergency decree tabled in Sudan’s National Legislature
On Wednesday, Sudan’s Justice Minister Mohamed Ahmed Salim tabled the declaration of the year-long State of Emergency and six subsequent Emergency Orders before Parliament in Omdurman, offering the assurance that they “will not affect freedoms and will guarantee the right of litigation.”

On Wednesday, Sudan’s Justice Minister Mohamed Ahmed Salim tabled the declaration of the year-long State of Emergency and six subsequent Emergency Orders before Parliament in Omdurman, offering the assurance that they “will not affect freedoms and will guarantee the right of litigation.”
Salim acknowledged during the presentation that emergency laws have negative effects at home and abroad. He added that the State of Emergency would be “a preventive measure and a national shield that would defend the state’s existence and stability and to protect the economic structure of the state from deterioration”.
Salim assured Parliament that the reasons for the State of Emergency include “the endeavour to combat the practices that are harmful to the economy, such as the smuggling of subsidised commodities, fuel and gold”.
He affirmed the government commitment to the constitutional, legal, and international provisions as well as the commitment to the international charters that are organizing to the state of emergency. He affirmed that the declared State of Emergency will not affect freedoms and will guarantee the right of litigation.
2020 election
The ‘Alliance 2020’ of MPs against Al Bashir’s candidacy in the 2020 election, has announced an initiative proposing a two-year transitional period, beginning with the end of President Al Bashir’s term in 2020 and a two-year postponement of next year’s elections.
On Wednesday, the Alliance proposed in a press conference the formation of a presidential council to be headed by Al Bashir, consisting of five members, the reduction of the imposition of emergency from one to six months, extension of the legislative institutions for two years after 2020, and the abolition of emergency provisions, which provide for the authorisation of security forces to enter any buildings and inspect them and banning unauthorised gatherings and marches.
President Omar Al Bashir has accepted nomination for a third term to run as candidate for Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party in the 2020 elections – a move that will require amendments to the Sudanese constitution, however after Al Bashir stepped-down as chairmen of the ruling National Congress Party last week, the head of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), Salah Abdallah (Gosh), confirmed that Al Bashir would “abandon the chairmanship of the ruling party and continue as President of the Republic so that the party can nominate another candidate for the 2020 elections”.