SRF Abdel Wahid overruns two SAF garrisons in Darfur

The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) led by Abdel Wahid (AW) has captured two key garrison towns of the Sudan Armed Forces on Friday 28 December. The rebels seized Jumeza near Kas in South Darfur, which citizens confirmed to Radio Dabanga.Later on Friday the SRF-forces (AW) said they also took Jildu between Golo  and Niertete in West Jebel Marra, according to the military spokesperson of the SRF Abdel Wahid. This could not be independently verified.People in Kas heard the battle in Jumeza in the early morning. After the fighting ceased, the people tried to go back to sleep, but were kept awake by all sorts of movements in Kas town. The government security did not allow the citizens to go to Jumeza.”At least 47 soldiers killed”In the meantime, SRF told Radio Dabanga it had taken the garrison in Jumeza and chased the Sudan armed Forces until the SAF reached Kas and Niama base of the Sudan Armed Forces. According to Mustafa Tambour of the SRF- AW,  his troops killed at least 47 of the government’s army soldiers. ‘We lost two field commanders, Mudasir Mansour AlHaj and Abdalla Deiri. Four of our soldiers were wounded”, he added.Friday late afternoon the SRF-AW also announced the capturing of Jildu garrison near Nertiti. This important junction connects East and West Jebel Marra through Jildu. But until yesterday no independent confirmation could be received by Radio Dabanga. file photo

The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) led by Abdel Wahid (AW) has captured two key garrison towns of the Sudan Armed Forces on Friday 28 December. The rebels seized Jumeza near Kas in South Darfur, which citizens confirmed to Radio Dabanga.

Later on Friday the SRF-forces (AW) said they also took Jildu between Golo  and Niertete in West Jebel Marra, according to the military spokesperson of the SRF Abdel Wahid. This could not be independently verified.

People in Kas heard the battle in Jumeza in the early morning. After the fighting ceased, the people tried to go back to sleep, but were kept awake by all sorts of movements in Kas town. The government security did not allow the citizens to go to Jumeza.

“At least 47 soldiers killed”

In the meantime, SRF told Radio Dabanga it had taken the garrison in Jumeza and chased the Sudan armed Forces until the SAF reached Kas and Niama base of the Sudan Armed Forces. According to Mustafa Tambour of the SRF- AW,  his troops killed at least 47 of the government’s army soldiers. ‘We lost two field commanders, Mudasir Mansour AlHaj and Abdalla Deiri. Four of our soldiers were wounded”, he added.

Friday late afternoon the SRF-AW also announced the capturing of Jildu garrison near Nertiti. This important junction connects East and West Jebel Marra through Jildu. But until yesterday no independent confirmation could be received by Radio Dabanga. 

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