SPLM-N deputy chairman resigns

Deputy chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) Abdelaziz El Hilu resigned from the rebel group on Friday. The chairman has denied that the resignation results from changes in the political and military structure of the movement.

Deputy chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) Abdelaziz El Hilu resigned from the rebel group on Friday. The chairman has denied that the resignation results from changes in the political and military structure of the movement.

Initially the Nuba Mountains Liberation Council, SPLM-N’s highest political authority in the Nuba Mountains, unanimously rejected the resignation of El Hilu. Chairman Malik Agar denied that there will be changes in the SPLM-N peace negotiations delegation, or its political opposition in regard to Sudan's National Dialogue.

In a press statement, Agar confirmed the resignation. “The only body that would deal with the political issues is the leadership council and the military issues would be dealt with by the SPLM-N chief of general staff,” he said.

Over the weekend there were speculations that the Nuba Mountains Liberation Council issued a number of decisions involving changes to the negotiations delegation, which is headed by SPLM-N secretary-general Yasir Arman. The news of the resignation, which was addressed to the council in twelve pages and signed by El Hilu, was widely circulated on Sudanese social media.

In his statement Agar accused what he described as “suspicious circles” of seeking more behind his deputy’s resignation, to settle scores with the SPLM-N and its political position.

Recently Yasir Arman emphasised that the Movement will not participate in any political dialogue with the Sudanese government, a position which he has clarified to the Chairman of the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP), Thabo Mbeki.

