SPLA claims to control 85% of Blue Nile

Says its troops are approaching the capital city of DamazinThe Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Blue Nile claimed on Friday that it controlled more than 85 per cent of the state.

Says its troops are approaching the capital city of Damazin

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Blue Nile claimed on Friday that it controlled more than 85 per cent of the state.Blue Nile witnessed clashes between government forces and the SPLM’s armed wing, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), earlier this month.

The SPLM (North) told Radio Dabanga that its troops were now on the outskirts of government-controlled Damazin, the capital of Blue Nile. Also, the opposition army claims to have troops close to the tank in the government strong-hold Roseires.

Major general Ahmed Al Umda Badi, military commander of the SPLA in Baw, called for the citizens of Damazin and Roseires to evacuate the cities because there may be bombing any time.

The major general also said that the SPLA had beaten the government forces in Geissan and Kurmuk. The government’s contrary claims in this regard, he said, were only meant to raise the morale of the defeated troops.

Radio Dabanga could not contact the Sudanese army for a response in this regard.

On the other hand, Ahmed Al Umda Badi, called on all marginalized forces in Sudan to stand in support of the SPLA in the armed struggle to topple the regime in Khartoum.

“All the Sudanese civilians and their organizations must stand up in Blue Nile, South Kordofan, Nuba Mountains, Darfur and eastern Sudan to overthrow the regime and create a genuine democratic system in the country,” he said.

