South Kordofan students drop out after losing dorms

Approximately half of all students of a boys’ school in Habila, South Kordofan, dropped out this year because they receive no support anymore for their student housing.

Approximately half of all students of a boys' school in Habila, South Kordofan, dropped out this year because they receive no support anymore for their student housing.

The Islamic Organisation for Student Housing has suspended its support to the students of the Kartala High School for Boys in Habila. One of the secondary school teachers in Habila told Radio Dabanga that 120 out of 240 students have not been going to school this year.

“The closure of the boarding houses, which received support by the Islamic Organisation for Student Housing, led to the students dropping out,” the teacher said.

“All students who left school, returned to their home areas, which are about seven hours away from the area.”

He pointed out the seriousness of the situation in the event the closure of boarding houses continues. He appealed to the Ministry of Education in the state and the parents' councils to find a solution to the problem.

